Usenet - Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system available on computers.
Usenet newsgroup - A Usenet newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet system, for messages posted from many users in different locations using the Internet.
r/Usenet - A thriving community dedicated to helping users old and new understand and use Usenet.
NZBLINK - The NZBLNK™ URI scheme defines the format of NZBLNK™ links to identify binary Usenet content and supplies some extra information to handle that content correct (similar to magnet links, but for NZBs).
Usenet-Uploaders - Table of applications for uploading content to Usenet.
QuickPar - Tool for reconstructing damaged/missing/corrupt Usenet binaries.
Usenet Express - UsenetExpress is a powerful new tier-1 Usenet provider that offers strong security, a 10GB uplink per server and up to 150 streams for an excellent price.
Momentum Plus - Usenet-Newsreader and in the (near future) - indexer and collector for usenet files.
nZEDb-deploy - A collection of scripts to automate and simplify the deployment of a nZEDb Usenet Indexer using the new format of their GitHub repository.
nZEDb - A fork of nnplus(2011) - | NNTP / Usenet / Newsgroup indexer.